Loot Hunt

  • 14th May - Signups Open
  • 17th May - Loot Hunt Begins
  • 19th May - Loot Hunt Ends

In order to verify drops, every submission must include a screenshot of the drop from the mission complete screen. There are 3 things used to validate a screenshot, username, legendary drop and the match id. As long as these 3 things are legible, the screenshot is considered valid. When determining the winners, all submissions will be checked to confirm they meet these requirements.

Using Match History

If you forget to take a screenshot of the mission complete screen, you can use the match history to check past missions. You can only go so far back though, so make sure to stay on top of it!

Specifying a Platform

You can optionally include which platform you are on when you submit a drop.
Valid values are PC, PS4, Xbox/XB1.

Twitter submissions need to be in the format: <gear> <platform> #loothunt. You can add other hashtags, but the raw text must not include anything else otherwise the bot won't be able to determine what item it is.

Forum submissions need to be in the format: <gear> <platform> #loothunt. To comply with forum requirements, submissions to the forums must be wrapped inside a "Hide Details" tag.

I have set up a thread on the forums for posting drops.

Discord submissions are a little different. If you are familiar with lowlibot on the Unofficial Discord Server, bbday-bot is new bot created specially for the Loot Hunt. Use the !drop <gear> <platform> command and the bot will provide feedback on whether a submission was successful or not. If it gives you the sunglasses reaction, it means your submission was accepted!

You can find the bot in the #bbday-bot channel on both the Unofficial Battleborn Server and the Battleborn Day Server.

There are 55 legendaries that drop from bosses across the Story Missions and Operations. Gear that can drop in any difficulty are worth 10 points whereas gear that can only drop on advanced difficulty are worth 15 points.

To discourage farming missions that have more bosses than others, submitting the same drop multiple times will be worth significantly less points for each subsequent drop. You can continue to submit drops past 3, they just will only be worth a fifth of the original point value.

Note: Lootpack legendaries do not award any points, however they are still counted towards community challenges.

Difficulty 1st Drop 2nd Drop 3rd Drop Onwards
Normal 10 5 1
Advanced 15 7 3
Lootpack 0 0 0

I've set up a modified Magnus AI that tracks your submissions and adds them to the database. I don't know how it all works honestly!

You'll be on the hunt for legendaries that drop from bosses in story missions. Getting doubles will still get you points, but you'll get diminishing returns so you'll want to obtain as many unique legendaries as you can over the course of the event!

While earning lots of legendary loot is it's own reward, there are also special prizes for the top 3 scores!

1st Place
2nd & 3rd Place
  • Special Pearlescent Community Gear Card

If you aren't familiar with Community Gear Cards, they are a custom-made legendary items based on community members. I've made quite a few of them in the past, but only a very small number of folks have been awarded with the special pearlescent version! If you happen to already have one, you can choose to either have your current one upgraded or get an entirely new gear card made.

Here's a preview of what a 2nd Anniversary gear card will look like:

These will be delivered after the event is over and I've had time to work on them.

Don't have a sync code? Signup to the event.
Already signed up? Sync to this device.
Career Title
Link Platforms

Choose which platform(s) you will post drops to:


Value: {{activeItem.weight}} Points
Obtained: {{collection[activeItem.id] ? collection[activeItem.id].length : 0}}


  • {{stats.totalUsers}} Participants
  • {{stats.total}} Legendaries Dropped
  • {{stats.totalUnique}} Unique Legendaries
Item User Timestamp Source Platform Score
{{history.when | date:'d MMM - h:mma'}} {{history.weight}}
  • {{stats.totalUsers}} Participants
  • {{stats.total}} Legendaries Dropped
  • {{stats.totalUnique}} Unique Legendaries

Total Drops by Platform

Source Total
{{platform.name}} {{platform.count}}

Total Drops by Source

Source Total
{{source.name}} {{source.count}}

Total Drops by Difficulty

Source Total
{{stat.name}} {{stat.count}}

Total Lootpack Drops

Name Total

Total Boss Drops

Name Total

Total Drops by Boss

Name Total

Total Drops by Mission

Name Total
{{stat.name}} {{stat.count}}
  • {{stats.totalUsers}} Participants
  • {{stats.total}} Legendaries Dropped
  • {{stats.totalUnique}} Unique Legendaries


Name Total
{{stat.name}} {{stat.description}}


# User Score
{{currentAlert.message}} Learn More
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